Our team has more than 26 years of experience in more than 2,500 projects in the area of detection of metal objects and unexploded ordnaces by using TDEM method in Germany.
Reference list on request
Documentation (anomalies map in CAD)
suspiciously unexploded bombs and
Recovery of suspiciously anomalies by the bomb disposal team of Rheinland/Pfalz
Recovered 250kg bomb
School Yard in Remagen
Bomb disposal team of Rheinland/Pfalz Kampfmittelräumdienst recovers a detected grenades depot in Remagen
Industrial Location
Complete documentation of detected
critical and non-relevant anomalies
TDEM method is applicable at industrial sites
Castle Koblenz
Detection and imaging of suspiciously anomalies of potential unexploded ordnances and indication of reinforced basements and structures
Targeted recovery of unexploded ordnances by Kampfmittelräumdienst
Economically, non-destructively and flexibly applicabler
Detection of bomb duds up to a depth of approx. 7-8m and area top edge, depending on capability of TDEM system and object dimensions
Low influence of surface near disturbing bodies (building rubble, conductive upper floor, armoured concrete slabs, lines, fences etc.) and which denying conventional measurement procedures in areas in these also usably
High resolution